Tagging Income Statement and Balance Sheet accounts maps the data from your accounting system into RealTime CEO and provides the software with the information it needs to perform calculations on the dashboard and other screens.
All accounts that match one of the RTC tags (other than ‘Other’) must be tagged, whether via individual account or sub-total. If the only tag that matches an account is Other, it does not need a tag of Other. However, tagging it as Other means it will display on the Monthly Data screen so you can see it. Not tagging it means it is summed with all other non-tagged accounts and shown as one figure in the ‘Untagged…’ line (there is an Untagged line in each section – see What are the Untagged lines on Monthly Data?).
At RealTime CEO we prefer that all accounts that can be tagged are tagged* whether via individual account or sub-total, even though the software does not require it. When all accounts are tagged the Untagged lines in each section should be zero and it is a quick check that you haven’t missed something.
While you should be checking all untagged accounts when loading data each month (untagged accounts are white) and reviewing whether a tag is needed, we find this process is easier and faster if all accounts that can be tagged are tagged.
If you have been using RTC for a while and not all of your accounts are tagged and you would like them to be, please contact support and we will help you load a month of data and tag everything from that point Email Support
* Note that not all accounts in the Miscellaneous Revenue/Expense section of the Income Statement can be tagged because there is no header tag, and there is no Other tag.
* Note that some sub-totals are never tagged (e.g. Gross Profit). Also, some Income Statements have more than one profit line and we only ever tag one of them. See How to load and check Monthly Data for information on double-tagging.
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