About Us

Nick's passion is to help business owners realize their full potential and increase the value created from their business.

Nick Setchell

Nick Setchell’s Passion

Nick's passion is to help business owners realize the true potential of their business and increase the value created from that business. He and his team do that using the RealTime CEO platform supported by personal consulting (when requested) to implement the many elements of this powerful leadership toolkit.

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Clients range in size from turnover of below $1 million AUD to greater than $1bn AUD. Using RealTime CEO tools, Practice Strategies has analysed in excess of 2,000 businesses based in USA, Australia, Canada, UK and New Zealand.

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Nick Setchell has presented approximately 1,000 workshops to Vistage and other CEO peer groups in the USA, Australia, Canada, UK and New Zealand and Nick has received multiple international and national speaker awards from these organizations.

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Nick has conducted numerous workshops, training senior members of the accounting profession in business analysis and improvement consulting, as well as senior members of the banking industry training them in business assessment as part of the credit approval process.  

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The businesses that Practice Strategies works with are not specific to any industry. They do however, have a common culture that improving their performance is their fundamental objective.

Nick's Background

Nick Setchell holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Adelaide and post graduate qualifications in Accounting as a Fellow and past State Chairman (SA) of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ).

Nick's career, spanning 4 decades, started in the accounting profession and quickly transformed into executive leadership in a number of different organizations and industries. As founder and owner of Practice Strategies and RealTime CEO, Nick now focuses on assisting other business owners to realize their full potential and the full potential of their business.

"RealTime CEO tools are like showing a 19th century doctor 21st century medicine."

Allen Hauge
Vistage Chair, St Louis

"I guarantee that Nick will help you and your team improve both the top and, most importantly, bottom line."

Shawn Regan
CEO Rhythmlink International, LLC

"My sincere gratitude to you for expanding my vision. I have certainly become aware of a different perspective that will impact my business profoundly. "

Diane K. Meehan
President, Sacramento Public Works

"The RealTimeCEO app provides simple numbers that help me better improve my business and gives me the ability to challenge the future."

Toby Strong

"Nick was able to add value to our practice and he has helped deliver to the firm significantly better returns."

Leon Loganathan
Managing Partner, Ward Keller