Should We? / Can We?

Using scenario-building tools in RealTime CEO, you can view, in real time, the actual financial impact from the hundreds of common business decisions that your team make in any given month.

Financial Measurement of Real Time Decisions

Financial Measurement of Real Time Decisions

Your intuition and gut feel are probably accurate most of the time. But as your business grows, basing key decisions that can dramatically impact the value of your business on intuition and gut feel can increase the risk in your business. Being able to validate those decisions with mathematical analysis is powerful.

Our Should We? / Can We? financial planning software provides a mathematical framework to view the financial impact of common business decisions, measuring the impact of changes in:

  • Prices
  • Volume
  • Direct Costs
  • Indirect Costs
  • Accounts receivable
  • Inventory
  • Accounts payable
  • Fixed costs

A Simple, Two-Question Approach

Our planning and financial modeling software supports a simple, two-question approach for each business decision that your team encounters. The tools are the framework to provide you with numerical answers to the following questions:

  1. Should we do this?
  2. Can we do this?

For the first question, Should we do this?, the software drills the scenario down to the single most important measure of success in your business, your return on operations percentage, or ROO%. The software tells you whether your decision increases the value of your business, or decreases the value of your business, and by how much. For the second question, Can we do this?, the software tells you how the decision impacts your cash flow, determining whether you can afford to make the decision without jeopardising your future.

Planning and Financial Modeling Software

Quantifying the Financial Impact

Use our sophisticated financial planning software to better understand the numerical results of the decisions your team is faced with—to confirm or refute their intuition. Translate intuition and gut feel into quantifiable metrics, understanding the sensitivities of your business and how they affect your company value.

This is commonplace in big companies – using financial modeling software to predict the results of the decisions they’re faced with, to confirm or refute their intuition, but rare in mid-market companies.

For a quick demo, check out our Should We? / Can We? screencast

RealTime CEO Financial Calculations