
How to Update Billing (Credit Card) Details

To change the credit card details on your account (you must have Owner access rights):

  1. Go to the Account option by clicking your user icon (bottom left).
  2. Select Billing.
  3. Select Update Credit Card.
  4. Enter the new details and select Update.

Please note that if you are a consulting client, also contact admin@realtimeceo.com.  Consulting fees are charged separately to the software.

How to Create a New User

RealTime CEO allows multiple user access.  If you have Owner access rights, you can invite other users to the software as follows:

  1. Login using your existing username and password.
  2. Click on the user icon (bottom-left corner of the screen). This takes you to the Account Settings.
  3. Click the User Management tab.
  4. Click Invite a new User.
  5. Enter the user’s email address, first and last name.  Choose whether they have Contributor or Owner access rights (Owner can see Billing details, Contributor cannot).
    1. If Contributor, click Allow Historical Editing to allow the user to to load and edit data.
    2. If Contributor, click Allow Forecasting Editing to allow the user to update the forecast.
  6. Click Send Invitation. The new user will receive an email – they need to click on the link in the email to activate their account and set their password.  You can choose Resend Invite if needed.
How to Change your Password

To change your password within the software:

  1. Once logged in, click on the user icon (bottom-left of the screen) – this takes you to the Account Settings page.
  2. Under the Profile tab, click Change Password.
  3. Enter your Current Password, and your New Password.
  4. Click Change.

To change your password if you have forgotten it:

  1. Go to the website https://realtimeceo.com/
  2. Click Login.
  3. Select the Forgot Password option.
  4. Enter your Email address used to sign in to RealTime CEO.
  5. Click Send. An email will be sent to this address.
  6. Click on the link within the email to change your password.
How to Cancel your Subscription

To cancel your RTC subscription (you must have Owner access rights):

  1. Go to the Account option by clicking your user icon (bottom left).
  2. Select Billing.
  3. Click Cancel Subscription.
How to add an Account to a Group Account

A Group Account in RealTime CEO consolidates two or more individual company accounts.  It provides the same metrics and analysis but at a consolidated level.  It also allows users to login once to the group and then access the individual company accounts without further logins.

To add individual company accounts to a Group, follow these steps:


  • You must have already set up a Group account – Email Support for help.
  • You must have Owner access rights.
  1. Get the Group Link Code:
    1. Login to the Group Account using the username and password created when it was set up.
    2. Click on the user icon (bottom-left corner of the screen). This takes you to the Account Settings.
    3. Click the Group Account tab.
    4. Next to the Group Code, click Copy.
  2. Link the individual company accounts to the Group using the Link Code:
    1. Login to the first existing individual company account using your username and password.
    2. Click on the user icon (bottom-left corner of the screen). This takes you to the Account Settings.
    3. Click the Group Account tab.
    4. Click Link to an account (or Link to another account if one has already been linked).
    5. Paste the Group Account Code and tick “I agree to give the group owner full access to this account”.
    6. Click Link Account.
  3. Repeat from Step 2 for each other company to be linked to the Group.