Accounts can be retagged on the Monthly Data screen if you’ve tagged an account incorrectly, or if account definitions change. Retagging an account changes it historically. When the next month of data is loaded after a retag, the new tag is reflected on the monthly data load.
Note there are some necessary limitations with retagging as follows:
If an account is retagged to a different section, the section totals are all recalculated automatically on the Monthly Data screen. Note that if you retag an account to a different section (e.g. Indirect to Direct) your next monthly data CSV file has to have this account in the section that you’ve retagged it to. If not, you will get untagged balances. You can either manually change the CSV file each month (remembering to recalculate the totals), or change the account type in your accounting system so it automatically displays in the new section when you next run an Income Statement.
To retag an account:
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