Date: 2 June 2016
Category: 24 Month Rolling
Tags: 24 Month Rolling, RealTime CEOs, News
In our last post, we discussed the mechanics of 24 month rolling forecasts. (Ok, we realize that was over a year ago.)
Did you think we’d just let that one slide?
The past 12 months have been incredibly busy for us. In addition to our continually expanding client base and Nick’s RealTime CEO workshops throughout the year in the US, Australia and the UK, we’ve been undertaking quite a large project since the end of 2014
What is it? While we’ve been keeping it under wraps during development, we decided to give you a hint since we expect to reveal it soon. In the near future, we’ll be working with select Vistage Chairs, CEO group leaders and CEOs/CFOs to complete the final testing of our new financial modeling software.
Instead of being local software similar to our current and previous versions, our new app will be delivered via software-as-a-service (SaaS). It’s designed for large groups of users to apply the RealTime CEO principles to their existing financial statements, including 24 Month Rolling Forecasting and our Crystal Ball, on their own, in real time.
This won’t fully replace our existing software which we customize for our current client base; it will provide the core features and functionality in the SaaS format to allow more companies to apply the powerful concepts and financial tools to their business. We expect it to be a key driver of our future growth and to allow us to make an impact with businesses anywhere in the world (instead of just with existing client relationships with companies in the US, Canada, Australia and the U.K.).
It’s been quite an undertaking. We’re excited that the journey is nearing completion and we expect to be actively blogging again soon and engaging with our users online.
We’re currently staging the final testing along with a carefully-controlled CEO group rollout, but if you’d like to be involved before we reach out to you, connect with us to request early access.
Nick and the RealTime CEO team
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